GT-S5660, GT-S5660M, GT-S5660L, GT-S5660V, SHW-M290K (Korean GIO),
GT-S5670, GT-S5670B, GT-S5670L, GT-S5830, GT-S5830B, GT-S5830C,
GT-S5830D, GT-S5830i, GT-S5830L, GT-S5830M, GT-S5830T, GT-S5830Z, GT-S5839i, GT-S6802 (new), GT-B7510, GT-B7510B, GT-B7510L, GT-B7800, GT-B5510, GT-B5510B, GT-B5510L, GT-B5512, GT-B5512B, GT-S6102, GT-S6102B, GT-S5300, GT-S5302 (new), GT-S5360, GT-S5360B,
GT-S5360L, GT-S5360T, GT-S5363, GT-S5369, GT-S5690, GT-S5690M,
GT-S5690L, GT-I8150, GT-I8150B, GT-I5510, GT-I5510B, GT-I5510L,
GT-I5510M, GT-I5510T, SCH-i509 (new)
DISCLAIMER: ---You will have sucessfully rooted Samsung phone only for the models that are mentioned above. Any other phone model is incompatible at the present time. Phone models like GT-S6500, GT-S7500, GT-I9000 have a diferent structure from diferent point of view. Diferent certificate pass key to the signed zip files, diferent update binary in the zip file and so on. If anything new comes out you will be informed untill then it is strictly on the models that are presented.---
This is only for the people that they are using Gingerbread and can't root their phone with SuperOneClick. You can root your phone with universal_gb_root_v22.zip file for your phone model.
Question: How do I Root Gingerbread on my phone?
- First enable Unknown sources on your phone (Settings -> Applications -> Unknown sources)
- Download the universal_gb_root_v22.zip file and put in your SD card.
* How do I transfer universal_gb_root_v22.zip on my SD card?
(You can tranfer the universal_gb_root_v22.zip to your phone via Wifi, Bluetooth, SD micro Adapter or USB cable. To transfer it via USB cable you need first to download KIES from the offical Samsung Web Site and after installing restart your PC so the USB drivers can be recognized properly.Enable USB debugging on your phone, Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging. Plug in the USB cable and enable the connection on you mobile phone like the picture in the bottom. After couple of seconds your SD card will be showed on your PC like Removable disk. Copy universal_gb_root_v22.zip to your SD card.)

- After transferring your file on your phone disable the USB by pressing "Disconnect storage from PC" after that remove the USB cable and turn off your phone "Power off".

- Make shure you start the phone like this : Long press and hold the (T Button) + (Power Button)
- Make shure you start the phone like this : Long press and hold the (Power Button) + (Home Button)

- Make shure you start the phone like this : Long press and hold the (Volume up Button) + (Home Button) + (Power button)

- After couple of seconds you will see your phone booting in recovery mode
- Move in the menu with the Volume - Volume + to scroll up and down and choose "apply update from sdcard" with the Home button and choose the universal_gb_root_v22.zip and press once again the Home button to apply it.

- You will see a message "Install form sdcard complete".
- Then press on the "reboot system now"
- When you open SuperSU it will ask you to upgrade the SU binary just press continue your phone will reboot once and you are done!
Download link for Universal Gingerbread Root (by StoneBoyTony) :
What's new in this version:
- SuperSU Application v0.94 (new)
- SuperSU binary v0.93 (new)
- Root Validator
- BusyBox binary v1.20.2 (new)
- New signed release key of the zip files for better compatibility on the phone models (new)
IMPORTANT: Root and Unroot method is designed to work in recovery mode on Stock ROM's. CWM Recovery and Custom ROM's are not supported! And never try to unroot your phone when you are using Custom rom!
From today (02.04.2012) I can proudly present the third update zip universal_gb_c.c.b.s.f_v4.zip. C.C.B.S.F stand for "Cleanup Carrier Branded System Files" What makes this package very interesting is allowing you to cleanup your System files (applications) from your branded carrier provider such as Shops, Music, Web Launchers, Widgets...Games: Tetris,Sims3 etc ...making free space in the system partition ROM (not internal memory) so later the root installation can take place and have a sucessfully rooted phone. This package will clean up most of the carrier providers like:
What's new in this version:
Added Carrier Network Providers:
- TelstraOne
- Optus
- M1
- Meteor
- Globe
- Poland Plus
- Virgin
- Vodafone
- O2
- Orange
- Telcel
- Airtel (new)
- Grameenphone (new)
- Banglalink (new)
- Teletalk (new)
- Robi (new)
- Dialog (new)
- Mobitel (new)
- Etisalat (new)
- Hutch (new)
- Nepal Telecom (new)
- NCELL (new)
- E-Plus (new)
- T-Mobile (new)
- New signed release key of the zip files for better compatibility on the phone models (new)
IMPORTANT: The universal_gb_c.c.b.s.f_v4.zip can be applyed in recovery like the rest of the zip files for root and unroot. It will delete all Carrier Branded System Files (Applications) without to interfere with the system files of Samsung Stock ROM's all functions will work normaly only the applications from the carrier branded apps will be deleted. In order to bring them back you need to unroot your phone and make a Factory Reset and all will be back as usual. This zip file should be only applyed if you have Carrier Provider Phone (like the above list already mentioned) and can't root the phone becouse of the carrier apps making a full capacity of the Android OS (system partition).
Download link for C.C.B.S.F (by StoneBoyTony) : universal_gb_c.c.b.s.f_v4.zip
- First thing you need to remove all the applications that they are depended from root, after that open SuperSU -> Settings -> Full Unroot and press Continue. Your phone will reboot once and after that enter Recovery mode and use the universal_gb_unroot_v6.zip to delete all the traces remaining. If you were having Superuser app (the older one) just get in the Recovery mode and then apply the universal_gb_unroot_v6.zip
You can download the UNROOT (by StoneBoyTony) from here: universal_gb_unroot_v6.zip
What's new in this version:
- Deleting all traces of Superuser
- Deleting all traces of Suhax
- Deleting all traces of Busybox and Busyboxpro (and all applets created in xbin that they are symlinked causing sometimes Busybox to fail of uninstalling them so that problem is solved i add them all to be deleted and for the leatest version 1.20.2. )
- Deleting all traces of Superoneclick
- Deleting all traces of SuperSU and SuperSU Pro
- Deleting Root Validator
- New signed release key of the zip files for better compatibility on the phone models (new)
For those who already have root with Superuser or any other kind of root method and want to update your root with the new SuperSU package you need first uninstall all app that they are depended from root then apply in recovery mode the universal_gb_unroot_v6.zip and enter again in recovery mode to apply the universal_gb_root_v22.zip file.
DISCLAIMER: ---You will have sucessfully rooted Samsung phone only for the models that are mentioned above. Any other phone model is incompatible at the present time. Phone models like GT-S6500, GT-S7500, GT-I9000 have a diferent structure from diferent point of view. Diferent certificate pass key to the signed zip files, diferent update binary in the zip file and so on. If anything new comes out you will be informed untill then it is strictly on the models that are presented.---
This is only for the people that they are using Gingerbread and can't root their phone with SuperOneClick. You can root your phone with universal_gb_root_v22.zip file for your phone model.
Question: How do I Root Gingerbread on my phone?
- First enable Unknown sources on your phone (Settings -> Applications -> Unknown sources)
- Download the universal_gb_root_v22.zip file and put in your SD card.
* How do I transfer universal_gb_root_v22.zip on my SD card?
(You can tranfer the universal_gb_root_v22.zip to your phone via Wifi, Bluetooth, SD micro Adapter or USB cable. To transfer it via USB cable you need first to download KIES from the offical Samsung Web Site and after installing restart your PC so the USB drivers can be recognized properly.Enable USB debugging on your phone, Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging. Plug in the USB cable and enable the connection on you mobile phone like the picture in the bottom. After couple of seconds your SD card will be showed on your PC like Removable disk. Copy universal_gb_root_v22.zip to your SD card.)
- After transferring your file on your phone disable the USB by pressing "Disconnect storage from PC" after that remove the USB cable and turn off your phone "Power off".
[Entering recovery mode on 551, Pro]
- Make shure you start the phone like this : Long press and hold the (T Button) + (Power Button)
[Entering recovery mode on Ace, Gio, Fit, Mini, Pop]
- Make shure you start the phone like this : Long press and hold the (Power Button) + (Home Button)
[Entering recovery mode on Ace GT-S5830i, Xcover, Young, Y-Duos, Y-Pro, Y-Pro Duos, M-Pro]
- Make shure you start the phone like this : Long press and hold the (Volume up Button) + (Home Button) + (Power button)
- After couple of seconds you will see your phone booting in recovery mode
- Move in the menu with the Volume - Volume + to scroll up and down and choose "apply update from sdcard" with the Home button and choose the universal_gb_root_v22.zip and press once again the Home button to apply it.
- You will see a message "Install form sdcard complete".
- Then press on the "reboot system now"
- When you open SuperSU it will ask you to upgrade the SU binary just press continue your phone will reboot once and you are done!
Download link for Universal Gingerbread Root (by StoneBoyTony) :
What's new in this version:
- SuperSU Application v0.94 (new)
- SuperSU binary v0.93 (new)
- Root Validator
- BusyBox binary v1.20.2 (new)
- New signed release key of the zip files for better compatibility on the phone models (new)
IMPORTANT: Root and Unroot method is designed to work in recovery mode on Stock ROM's. CWM Recovery and Custom ROM's are not supported! And never try to unroot your phone when you are using Custom rom!
From today (02.04.2012) I can proudly present the third update zip universal_gb_c.c.b.s.f_v4.zip. C.C.B.S.F stand for "Cleanup Carrier Branded System Files" What makes this package very interesting is allowing you to cleanup your System files (applications) from your branded carrier provider such as Shops, Music, Web Launchers, Widgets...Games: Tetris,Sims3 etc ...making free space in the system partition ROM (not internal memory) so later the root installation can take place and have a sucessfully rooted phone. This package will clean up most of the carrier providers like:
What's new in this version:
Added Carrier Network Providers:
- TelstraOne
- Optus
- M1
- Meteor
- Globe
- Poland Plus
- Virgin
- Vodafone
- O2
- Orange
- Telcel
- Airtel (new)
- Grameenphone (new)
- Banglalink (new)
- Teletalk (new)
- Robi (new)
- Dialog (new)
- Mobitel (new)
- Etisalat (new)
- Hutch (new)
- Nepal Telecom (new)
- NCELL (new)
- E-Plus (new)
- T-Mobile (new)
- New signed release key of the zip files for better compatibility on the phone models (new)
IMPORTANT: The universal_gb_c.c.b.s.f_v4.zip can be applyed in recovery like the rest of the zip files for root and unroot. It will delete all Carrier Branded System Files (Applications) without to interfere with the system files of Samsung Stock ROM's all functions will work normaly only the applications from the carrier branded apps will be deleted. In order to bring them back you need to unroot your phone and make a Factory Reset and all will be back as usual. This zip file should be only applyed if you have Carrier Provider Phone (like the above list already mentioned) and can't root the phone becouse of the carrier apps making a full capacity of the Android OS (system partition).
Download link for C.C.B.S.F (by StoneBoyTony) : universal_gb_c.c.b.s.f_v4.zip
You need to open SuperSu application and under "Apps" press the icon or
the text for RootValidator. A new window will open and press "Forget". Power off your phone and enter in recovery mode to apply universal_gb_remove_validator.zip file.
Download link for Remover of RootValidator (by StoneBoyTony) : universal_gb_remove_validator.zip
- First thing you need to remove all the applications that they are depended from root, after that open SuperSU -> Settings -> Full Unroot and press Continue. Your phone will reboot once and after that enter Recovery mode and use the universal_gb_unroot_v6.zip to delete all the traces remaining. If you were having Superuser app (the older one) just get in the Recovery mode and then apply the universal_gb_unroot_v6.zip
You can download the UNROOT (by StoneBoyTony) from here: universal_gb_unroot_v6.zip
What's new in this version:
- Deleting all traces of Superuser
- Deleting all traces of Suhax
- Deleting all traces of Busybox and Busyboxpro (and all applets created in xbin that they are symlinked causing sometimes Busybox to fail of uninstalling them so that problem is solved i add them all to be deleted and for the leatest version 1.20.2. )
- Deleting all traces of Superoneclick
- Deleting all traces of SuperSU and SuperSU Pro
- Deleting Root Validator
- New signed release key of the zip files for better compatibility on the phone models (new)
For those who already have root with Superuser or any other kind of root method and want to update your root with the new SuperSU package you need first uninstall all app that they are depended from root then apply in recovery mode the universal_gb_unroot_v6.zip and enter again in recovery mode to apply the universal_gb_root_v22.zip file.
This is how it looks rooted phone you will have application
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