Volcano Updated: 2012-04-07 Connecting... Connection successful,connected state! Version: V3.8 SN:016-802-362 Port:COM16 Available Ports:COM1 COM3 COM4 COM5 COM16 COM27 COM28 Detection initiated, connect the phone and power on it... Vcc: 21 Gnd: 23 RX: 16, TX: 18 Connecting... Hardware version:CE00 Software version:0101 CPU TYPE:6250 Internal version:8B00 Boot downloading complete! Flash ID: 00C20025 Flash Type: SF_MX25U6435E Chip Capacity: 0x800000(8MB) Mobile phone software version for:L131D_78A0_V_8_0_7 Baud adjust...complete. Read phone information success. Detection initiated, connect the phone and power on it... Vcc: 21 Gnd: 23 RX: 16, TX: 18 Connecting... Hardware version:CE00 Software version:0101 CPU TYPE:6250 Internal version:8B00 Boot downloading complete! Flash ID: 00C20025 Flash Type: SF_MX25U6435E Chip Capacity: 0x800000(8MB) Mobile phone software version for:L131D_78A0_V_8_0_7 Baud adjust...complete. Flash reading complete! usercode:1122 >>The data has been saved in C:\Documents and Settings\Dipankor-ctg\My Documents\WALTOn B06\L131D_QX_PCB01_GPRS_MT6252_S01.L131D_78A0_V_8_ 0_7.BIN, size: 8 M. |
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